Develope a Palate

Develope a Palate
Daily intake of the Word nourishes the Spirit. Jeremiah's Menu is an exercise in recognizing God's Word made flesh in and around me. Eating the Word in a way that supplies the spiritual nutrients needed to grow. The Menu is offered with the hope of inspiring you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bon Appetite!

Quote Du Jour

Quote du Jour
Christians may differ on a variety of points, but they have all one spiritual appetite; and if we cannot all feel alike, we can all feed alike on the bread of life sent down from heaven. At the table of fellowship with Jesus we are one bread and one cup. As the loving cup goes round we pledge one another heartily therein. Get nearer to Jesus, and you will find yourself linked more and more in spirit to all who are like yourself, supported by the same heavenly manna. ---Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

pressed to pray...

...pray without ceasing...
1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV

Feeling pressed to pray...
for the hearts of my children...
for my spouse and his faith...
for ladies in Bible study...
for the pastor...
for those grieving...
and those struggling with dis-ease...

Whose on your heart today...?
Is He pressing you to pray...?

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.
Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf,
and give thanks for them.
1 Timothy 2:1 NLT

Maybe we... at this table... could join you in prayer...?
If you feel so led... add the person pressed on your heart...
in the comment box at the bottom of the post...

Comment box can be found by clicking the post title...
and scrolling to the bottom...


  1. Pressed to pray today too. For my children...the one who wants to serve God no matter the cost, and the ones who need Jesus so bad...for my struggling co-worker, and for my beloved patients who've shared their concerns today... God is always faithful.

  2. Pressed to pray for old and new friends that are struggling with cancer and back issues.. Friend who had surgery. Those hurting from the loss of a loved one. Safe travels for my family.
