Develope a Palate

Develope a Palate
Daily intake of the Word nourishes the Spirit. Jeremiah's Menu is an exercise in recognizing God's Word made flesh in and around me. Eating the Word in a way that supplies the spiritual nutrients needed to grow. The Menu is offered with the hope of inspiring you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bon Appetite!

Quote Du Jour

Quote du Jour
Christians may differ on a variety of points, but they have all one spiritual appetite; and if we cannot all feel alike, we can all feed alike on the bread of life sent down from heaven. At the table of fellowship with Jesus we are one bread and one cup. As the loving cup goes round we pledge one another heartily therein. Get nearer to Jesus, and you will find yourself linked more and more in spirit to all who are like yourself, supported by the same heavenly manna. ---Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Friday, March 28, 2014

the wonder of... something out of nothing...

The question of faith... has moved to wonder...

Wonder... over God... who makes something out of nothing...

...the universe was created by the word of God,
so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Hebrews 11:3 ESV

He... calls things that are not... as though they were...

...God ...calleth those things which be not
as though they were.
Romans 4:17 KJV

And I look at the things... that be not... and hope... I've heard Him calleth things... as though they were...

For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37 ESV

Lord... work this truth into my life... my heart... my spirit...
Let me rest... in Your ability to bring something...
out of nothing...

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