Develope a Palate

Develope a Palate
Daily intake of the Word nourishes the Spirit. Jeremiah's Menu is an exercise in recognizing God's Word made flesh in and around me. Eating the Word in a way that supplies the spiritual nutrients needed to grow. The Menu is offered with the hope of inspiring you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bon Appetite!

Quote Du Jour

Quote du Jour
Christians may differ on a variety of points, but they have all one spiritual appetite; and if we cannot all feel alike, we can all feed alike on the bread of life sent down from heaven. At the table of fellowship with Jesus we are one bread and one cup. As the loving cup goes round we pledge one another heartily therein. Get nearer to Jesus, and you will find yourself linked more and more in spirit to all who are like yourself, supported by the same heavenly manna. ---Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Thursday, July 19, 2012

help in taking Spirit steps

The redefining... of do... and breath... the breathing in... and out... brought to mind a great book on spiritual disciplines... one that helps explain the why... what... and how...

by Richard J. Foster

Foster divides the Disciplines into three categories...

Inward Disciplines

Outward Disciplines

Corporate Disciplines

Perhaps you've already practiced some... maybe your favorite isn't found on his list... the main purpose is seeking God... following the leading of the Spirit... cultivating a heart attitude... to truly know Him...
We must not be led to believe that the Disciplines are only for spiritual giants and hence beyond our reach, or only for contemplatives who devote all their time to prayer and meditation. Far from it. God intends the Disciplines of the spiritual life to be for ordinary human beings: people who have jobs, who care for children, who wash dishes and mow lawns. In fact, the Disciplines are best exercised in the midst of our relationships with our husband or wife, our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors.
--- Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline

Carving out time for the doing of God... walking with the Spirit... is something we won't be able to do later... it's one of those Today things... only in this world do we have the opportunity to exercise our faith... and take steps with the unseen...

Lord Jesus... Today... help me to carve out time... for You... pursuing You... in the realm of the unseen... taking steps with the Spirit... Increase my desire to know You... grow me to love You... with all my heart... soul... mind... and strength...

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