Develope a Palate

Develope a Palate
Daily intake of the Word nourishes the Spirit. Jeremiah's Menu is an exercise in recognizing God's Word made flesh in and around me. Eating the Word in a way that supplies the spiritual nutrients needed to grow. The Menu is offered with the hope of inspiring you to taste and see that the Lord is good. Bon Appetite!

Quote Du Jour

Quote du Jour
Christians may differ on a variety of points, but they have all one spiritual appetite; and if we cannot all feel alike, we can all feed alike on the bread of life sent down from heaven. At the table of fellowship with Jesus we are one bread and one cup. As the loving cup goes round we pledge one another heartily therein. Get nearer to Jesus, and you will find yourself linked more and more in spirit to all who are like yourself, supported by the same heavenly manna. ---Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

wait on Him... Psalm 130:5-6...

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
Psalm 105:5-6 ESV

I'm learning about waiting these days...
changing my perspective on what I wait on...
hope in... desire for...

I'm not sure I can put it in words...
the shift in my waiting...
but this psalmist does a fine job...
of sharing what I'm beginning to feel...

Waiting for the Lord...
fully hoping in Him...
is the only way to wait...

I've been waiting for many things... as I've shared here...
waiting on loved ones... waiting for change...
waiting for transformations to change my life too...

But what I'm beginning to see...
is waiting for things to change in this world...
change hearts... change circumstances...
would be good... but not great...

If I got what I wanted... and things changed in the lives of loved ones... and in my life... the change at least in what I desire in the here and now... would eventually end...

People grow old... die... at least for now in the physical...

And Yes... I understand the heart changes I long for are for all eternity...! but what I've recognized is my desire for the change to make my life different now... in the temporal...

Any temporal... timely... change in the flesh... is just that... temporary...

To wait on Him... is to hope fully in Him... and all He'll bring about at His return...

I've begun to see whatever I hope for... or imagine... in the here and now... is far less than what He longs to give me... 

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think...
Ephesians 3:20 ESV

He wants to give me something better... eternal...
something beyond my wildest imagination...
beyond anything I could dream up as good... great... wonderful...

Those faithful listed in Hebrews 11...

...did not receive what was promised, since God had provided
something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
Hebrews 11:39-40 ESV

It's true for all Believers...
there is something better...
something coming...
with His return...
which is better than anything we could have in this life...

So our psalmist's words on waiting today...
speak to my heart in a new way...

My soul is beginning to learn to wait... 
fully on the hope of His promises...
for as surely as the sun will rise...
He will return... bringing everything... 
more than everything...
we ever asked for or desired...

My soul waits for the Lord... more than watchmen for the morning...

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