Marriage... a divine relationship... under attack by a devious enemy... his only plan: steal... kill... destroy...
He steals the tenderness of a heart for love... hardened by scars from repeated self-wounding through serial-monogamy...
He kills the sense of security for children... nothing stable... their whole world rocked...
He destroys the foundation of a society... breaking the basic building blocks of civilization... the family...
It is no coincidence that the teaching on spiritual warfare follows shortly after the teaching on marriage... the divine relationship...
The enemy works just as diligently... patiently... waiting for an opportunity to devour the relationship between Christ and the Church... between Believer and Savior...
But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled,
putting on faith and love as a breastplate,
and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
1Thessalonians 5:8
Remember... you belong to The Day...
practice self-control...
guard your mind with hope...
Lord Jesus... open my eyes to the schemes of the enemy... keep me in a place where I will not be deceived... I choose: faithfulness... integrity... trust in Your Way...